The Client:
MNC Engineering Consulting Business – Across Middle East
The initial situation:
Initially contacted by the Head of HR of one of the countries for diagnostic tools. After a brief conversation we understood that the underlying challenge facing the Head of HR is the lack of communications and teamwork between the HR/IT and Finance Teams.
Further findings:
We invited the Head of the organisation to attend the team debrief and team building days and we were further invited to support at the Strategy Retreat event. Heads of multiple organisations were present and what developed from here on was an on-going relationship with many or the individual business units to address wide ranging challenges – from just improving communications, to creating a clear line of sight for employees to the business strategy, There were on-going projects that involved team coaching and individual coaching for individuals in high expert roles.
We remain a key partner for the organisation and we value our partnership of over 5 years.

The Solution:
At each stage we carried out extensive interviews and had meetings with key stakeholders to understand the source of the challenge.
For a number of teams within the organisation we were able to use the Thinking Preference diagnostic tool – HBDI to provide a ‘common, easy language’ across multicultural teams. We further introduced the concept of ‘Whole Brain Thinking’ and allowed for the teams to easily identify and label the challenges facing teams. Teams learnt proven methodologies for communication and problem-solving frameworks based on ‘Whole Brain Thinking’.
A significant impact for one business unit was in the embedding of the client culture and organisation values. This was supported with extensive communication activities including townhall sessions and team leader coaching and mentoring,
When necessary ’high potential’ candidates were supported in personal development through coaching and mentoring.

Feedback from the client & key stakeholder:
Comments from our client groups include:
- Your sessions are memorable, easy to remember and implement methodologies. Yes, we do have fun too!
- Learning is long lasting, and we still use whole brain methodology after starting with it 5 years ago!
- You have made me more aware of my Emotional Intelligence impact on my team and family!
Our reflections:
As a learning organisation it is important for us to learn from each and every one of our projects – as we learn we add more value to the clients we serve and at the same time we grow and do not remain stuck in our ways of working.
We continue to grow and develop with our client and a key reflection has been in recognising that we need to keep our continuous professional development commitment, so that we are able to adjust to the fast- paced change we face in current times. Moving much of our work to virtual delivery has been one key example of adjusting to client needs.