The Client:
An International Financial Institute
The Initial Situation:
Contacted by the Head of Communications initially to support the departments organisation design, strategy, and roles & responsibilities. A series of meetings identified pain points including culture of the department, values, employee engagement and clarity around roles and responsibilities.
The Solution:
Was multi-fold and we approached the problem cohesively, keeping the communication channels flowing initially with the head of the department and on approval with the team members. A department structure suited to deliver the Strategy was recommended and approved. The team was appointed, roles redefined to suit the individual. Psychometrics and other diagnostic tools were used to help identify strengths and leadership profiles, Working with the team members, we facilitated the ways of working, identified intrinsic values of the department that aligned with those of the organisation.
Team Building Away days helped to augment the bond within the team.
Team coaching helped the team members to be cognisant of each other’s responsibilities and respect differences.
The Solution (CONTD.)
Our role was extended to provide advice to the team delivering the bank’s main regional Corporate Social Responsibility project – the Career Centre , which aims to bridge the gap between education and employment to enable career opportunities for individuals in Qatar.
Through this, we conducted a series of strategy and research analysis workshops where we led the comprehensive redesign of the Centre’s mission, and action planning. We also hosted several training sessions in the Career Centre on various topics.
Feedback from the client & key stakeholder:
”Zakeera did an outstanding job in stabilising the Communications team, who now enjoys a shared vision and a more integrated way or working. Her exceptional judgement and very human and professional attitude has made it a pleasure to work with her.”
Our reflections:
As a learning organisation it is important for us to learn from each and every one of our projects – as we learn we add more value to the clients we serve and at the same time we grow and do not remain stuck in our ways of working.
One of the strongest learning points was that we must check and recheck objectives; particularly for the team building away days and ensure that the main stakeholders were bought into the process. And bought into the end result.